Thursday, August 21, 2008

1 week till schooooool

prolly the last update till schoool. just a few painting study things. top one is a "blood moon monk", its a character of the week challenge at that i thought was a cool subject so i decided to give it a shot. although i see myself either not finishing on time or finishing on time and not posting it there. the second is a gouache study i did and the last was another painter attempt. painter is almost impossible for me to use right now, just cant figure the thing out.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

2 weeks till schooool

Ahh its been a while, busybusybusy. Comic-con was an amazing experience, really gave me an eye opening to the path i want to venture down with my artwork.
anyways here are some sketches and a couple digital paints, the top one being painter. I love the fresh painterly quality you can get with it but still feels really awkward compared to photoshop...
well thats all folks.