Here is a project I just finished not too long ago for a gallery show in Boston. My old roommate Wesley Eggebrecht has started up a clothing line which had a launch party at a gallery that including some 30 paper toys designed by 30 different artists. You can check out his site which has links to Facebook, Twitter and all that. Friend, Like, Add, do what you gotta do to follow this because it's gonna be good.
I should have a couple more projects up soon and am in the writing process of a 22 page comic. That's a bit of a ways away at this point though.
Alright, where to start. The majority of this work has been posted at other sites I frequently drop by. Sites like The Hallway Show, 36Pyramids, and others. I'll be posting some more stuff I've done soon as well, but I wanted to go the bulk of it out there. Most of it is sketches and quick portraits, a few are projects I did while interning at Root Learning and some are Illustrations for freelance jobs or personal work.
If you, or anyone you know, is interested in what they see and has some project that needs an Illustrator shoot me an e-mail at