Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Uh, yeah. Its ten a.m. and i havent gone to bed because of this life sucking project i just finished... at 10 a.m... off to the printers and then class! mmmmm thank god for monster. and monsters.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Here are three pieces standing 48 inches tall that i have been working on all semester for my independent study. They were all to follow along the junkyard theme and were painted in Water-based oils. I have a week before review so any comments and critique are appreciated!

Friday, April 25, 2008


k, im bored. posting my sculpture for character development.

The calm before the storm

Finals are next week, I have a few things done and a few things to finish. I havent posted much work lately but I'll be dropping it all on the blog within a week or two here. for now this is a WIP sculpture.

Monday, April 14, 2008

sketch o rama

usin' the ol graphite erase away technique.

some sketchs, trying some new techniques and all that jazz. lotta experimenting lately.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Some B&W digital Zombienoir.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


My mario weekly i have been working on for Acrylic on canvas 18x18. maybe try and work out some kind of background by sunday if i find some time.Some digitalizationalrepresentation.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Paint studies

Heres a couple of Acrylic paint studies i did a lil while ago. Watched and became inspired from the shawn barber massive black video. The top image is a sketch i did. earlier today and was really feelin it so decided to paint it up then i tossed it in photoshop and worked some details and colour. The bottom one is a sketch i did before the school year started that was just sitting around on canvas begging to be painted. i'm not too fond of the bottom one but I'm interested in seeing where i can head with the way i painted these and the way I drew the top one.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easy does it...

Class project, montage. Started the night before and finished the day of; I've gotten pretty good at procrastinating. Wasn't the funnest project but oh well, I love me some zombies